
About me!


Name Felipe Zanforlin Mautner
Phone (412) 925-2436
Summary A Computer Vision enthusiast with a passion for Machine Learning.


  • 2024.05 - 2024.08
    Computer Vision Software Engineering Intern
    Kooick AI
    Developed localization system for products in smart retail shelf. Used classic vision and SOTA AI to derive the location of items, enabling more robust classification results through a multiple view system and increased generalizability.
    • Python, 3D Geometry, Optimization
  • 2024.01 - 2024.12
    Teaching Assistant for Computer Vision (16-385)
    Robotics Institute - Carnegie Mellon University
    Help first time Computer Vision students with conceptual and practical questions about the course. Work behind the scenes on the logistics of the class.
    • Leadership, Communication, Teaching, Classic and Learning-based vision, programming
  • 2022.08 - 2022.12
    Teaching Assistant for Linear Algebra (21-241)
    Mathematics Department - Carnegie Mellon University
    Led recittion of approximately 30 Computer Science students in their first exposure to college Linear Algebra. Held Office Hours, graded, worked on course logistics and created new material for class.
    • Leadership, Communication, Teaching, Linear Algebra
  • 2022.06 - 2022.08
    Software Engineering Intern
    Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
    Worked as a Full Stack engineer implementing an internal dashboard for Hospital’s datalake using the Djangopython framework. Resulting portal used to enhance scientific production by connecting researchers and facili-tating access and sharing.
    • Full Stack, Django
  • 2020.08 - 2020.12
    Data Science Intern
    Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
    Worked on predicting when to schedule urgent cholecystectomies based on radiology reports. Anonimized and pre-processed data to create new medical training corpus in Portuguese. Developed and deployed NLP model using spaCy’s pipeline.
    • Data Science, NLP, LLMs, Healthcare


  • 2021.08 - 2025.05

    Pittsburgh, PA

    Carnegie Mellon University
    Computer Science (major), Machine Learning (concentration), Mathematics (minor)
    • Computer Vision, Deep RL, Generative AI, Computational Photography, Parallel Architecture and Programming, Computer Systems
    • Dean's List Fall 2021, Fall 2023, Fall 2024


Software Developing
Python, C++, C, CUDA, Java, Julia, SML, git/ GitHub
ML and Data Science
NumPy, PyTorch, TensorFlow, OpenCV, scikit-learn, jupyter, pandas, Matplotlib, spaCy, LaTeX


Native proficiency
Native Speaker